
कम्प्युटर सीप परीक्षण, सामूहिक परीक्षण तथा अन्तर्वाताको समय तालिक र स्थान प्रकाशन गरिएको सम्बन्धमा ।     लिखित परीक्षाको नतिजा प्रकाशन गरिएको सूचना (२०८१।०५।२४)     Risk Free Rate has been published     Spread Rate has been published     According to the Insurance Act 2079, the insurance nature of the business need to be registered in Nepal Insurance Authority.    

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रणनीतिक लक्ष्य र उद्देश्यहरू

Insurance Access and Inclusion:
  • Promote Insurance uptake,
  • Enhance Alternative Insurance Distribution Channels.
Insurance Sector Development:
  • Raising Standards of regulations,
  • Encourage Merger & Acquisitions,
  • Promote Reinsurance Sector Development.
Insurance Sector Stability:
  • Moving towards Risk Based Supervision,
  • Moving towards Risk Based Capital,
  • Moving towards Solvency II Framework
Insurance Infrastructure:
  • Strengthen Legal Framework for claim settlement,
  • Improve Consumer Complaint Handling Process.
  • Increase Boards’ Visibility,
  • Development of Policyholders Protection Fund (PPF),
  • Enhance Accountability and Transparency in Insurance Industry.
Capacity Development:
  • Human Capacity Development,
  • Physical Capacity Development,
  • Establishment of Branches in Regions,
  • Enhance in Information Technology,
  • Promote Insurance Education in the national curriculum,
  • Establishment of Insurance Academy.